Tape binder attachment small
Tape binder attachment small
€ 139.00
Tape binder attachment small

Tape binder attachment small

Tape binder attachment small

Schmale Bandführung (32 / 8 mm)

Weitere Produktinformationen ›
W magazynie € 139.00
Dostępność : Wysyłka w ciągu 3 dni!
Producent : Janome
Model : Jan-L-010-795838103-janome-cover
Średnia ocena : Brak oceny
% Produktbündel

Tape binder attachment – narrow (1/4”)

Tape Binder 8-32mm Attachment

The tape binder is used for finished and covering the raw edges of stretch fabrics. The binder folds the fabric you wish to use as tape around the raw edges as you sew, allowing you to make beautifully finished necks and arm holes and bind any raw edge with ease.
The tape is folded and held in place by the guide for lovely looking finished edging!
This biais tape binder is for 32 mm large tape, finished width 8 mm

This tape binder foot for the Janonme Coverpro for easy finishing T-shirts, swimwear and other clothes made of jersey

With this foot you easily bind armholes, necklines, sleeves and hems. This foot is used to finish fabric edges. The tape binder folds the fabric around necklines, armholes etc. If you are looking for a fast and profesionally finishing of edges, order now your Biais tape binder foot for the Janome Coverpro.

Suitable for Janome Cover Pro Models:
CoverPro 2000 CPX
CoverPro 1000 CPX
CoverPro 1000 DX
CoverPro 1000
CoverPro 900

Janome Accessories
Janome has developed a number of accessories to use with the Janome Cover Pro series of cover stitch machines. These accessories make it even easier to create beautiful garments from knits and other stretch fabrics.

Watch also our Video for Janome Coverpro Tape binder attachment by 'MEDIA'.



Watch here the Video for Janome Coverpro Tape binder attachment.

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Die Maschinen sind dicht mit viel Styropor um die Maschine herum verpackt, bei Beschädigungen an der Außenseite des Kartons wird die Maschine sicherlich nicht beschädigt.



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Tape binder attachment small

Tape binder attachment small

€ 139.00
INF% Rabatt
Regulärer Preis € 139.00
Rabatt € 20.00
Bundle-Preis € 119.00